Meet the coach

About Kjartan

The result started to show and Kjartan started helping others who noticed the change and wanted to achieve it for themselves. 

“We were still teenagers but I’d help my friends in our local, council gym and outdoors. We had fun. But the exercise was just one small part of it. I also really got into every other practice that supported my physical goals: Nutrition, self-discipline, holistic practices. It’s all connected”. 

Kjartan comes from the highlands of Scotland and started getting into fitness in his early teens in order to pass the fitness requirements to join the military. 

“Soon I started to feel a lot better, physically, and to see myself and everything else in a new, positive and achievable. My physical shape also improved and my confidence shot up. It didn’t take long for it to add to other aspects of my life” 

The military came and went and Kjartan found himself working in Aberdeen working the private sector and feeling trapped in jobs and lifestyles that were not his elements.  

“This wasn’t my element, I worked hard, sure. But I felt trapped and directionless. The party lifestyle felt more like a painkiller or destruction than anything else. I needed out but didn’t know how”. 

It started with fitness. Getting back into my fitness was all I needed. So I did it. and just like before, everything fell into place. When living in Glasgow  I started to spend my time working on myself, not just exercising but everything else I had discovered in my teens: nutrition, wellness, holsitics, it all came together and I started really feeling good again. 

It was in Cardiff, Wales that Kjartan started his personal training business. And since then he has been helping people with the same journey he went on, 

“It didn’t take long for me to realize that I was helping people with more than just exercise. It is just one small part of achieving a goal. All the other wellness practices come together to make someone feel good, physically, mentally and about how they look. Its all about giving the body what it needs whilst making it sustainable, lasting and enjoyable.”

Today, Kjartan lives in Tampere, Finland. And helps people with one to one and online coaching to change how they feel and see themselves.

I love working out. But I don’t “Live to gym” to gym to live.

Fitness and wellness are big parts of my life because of how much they enable me. And I’ve come to find that it is all very connected. The best way to interact with the world around me is to be physically healthy, capable and feeling good in my body.

I have a real love for the outdoors. Sun, rain or snow, there is no bad weather. It is our natural habitat and I’m most comfortable interacting with it.

My aim is to die regret free and live life to the full. Going on adventures and embracing what life has to offer is all part of that.