Your consultatioNHi,This form is for me to asses your initial needs, goals and currents stats in order to build your training phases.Please complete the form in its entirety, be as detailed as possible and include anything youbelieve is important for me to know about.Thanks,Kjartan Name * First Name Last Name Date of birth MM DD YYYY Email * Gender Phone (###) ### #### Height Current weight Hobbies and interest Profession & average weekly working hours What are you goals? Have you attempted to reach these goals before? What did you do in the past towards reaching these goals? Tell me a bit more What does achieving these goals mean to you? How will you feel when you achieve these goals? On a scale of 1 to 10, how highly are you willing/able to commit to achieving these goals? 10 Being it is your foremost priority and you are willing to make significant sacrifices and dedicate a large amount of time and focus to it. 1 Being it is not something you are willing to put a large amount of time or focus into. There is no right or wrong answer to this. If your career or family take a higher priority, it is okay to check a lower number on this scale. Which factors will take a higher priority over achiving these goals? It can be anything, Family, job, hobbies etc. How many times per week are you willing to train? Exercise history: What kind of exercise have you done in the past? What did you like? What didn't you like? Have you worked with a coach before? Yes No If 'Yes' How did it go? Do you have any injuries or conditions you feel will effect your training? When it comes to eating, what does a day in your life usually involve? Please include all meals, drinks and snacks. Please do not omit anything. List 10 foods you love List 10 foods you hate How often do you consume sugary soft drinks? How often do you consume alcohol? Are there any foods you love which you consider to be 'vices'? Do you smoke? If Yes, how often? How much sleep do you usually get per night? And is it uninterrupted ? How energized do you usually feel during the day? When do you usually get up? How often do you go outside each day? How much do you walk each day? How do you usually travel? Car, bus, walking etc How much do you move at work? Are you able to take constructive criticism and feedback? Are you able to stick to a plan? Are you prepared to do your best towards achieving these goals? Tell me about yourself. Hobbies, interests, anything that will affect your training, Any reasons behind wanting to work with a coach, any reason behind wanting to work with THIS coach. Include anything you want to share. How did you find out about me? Thank you!